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Hair Transplant In South Africa

Hair Transplant In South Africa


Have you ever heard about hair transplantation? It's a technique that helps to reduce baldness, hair loss and smooth out those "entrances" in the head. This is possible through cosmetic surgery that has already been adhered to by several famous people in South Africa such as Lucas Lucco. This procedure is currently performed with the patient's own follicles, which contributes to a natural result. Check it all out!




There are several hair transplant techniques, but the principle is the same. The procedure consists of removing hair follicles from places where the hair is stronger, that is, it does not have a predisposition to baldness. From there, these follicles are transferred to regions that you want to fill.




Generally, the hair transplant costs around 10 thousand reais per session. Many people even resort to the procedure in South Africa which is one of the most popular countries for this type of treatment. There, it is common to spend around 3,000 euros.




The most used technique is the FUT or Follicular Unit Transplantation. In it, a portion of the hair is removed from behind the nape of the neck and taken to high-resolution microscopes. In these places, the hair is divided into very thin thicknesses, creating about 3 different follicular units. Soon after, they are relocated to the place of desire.


On the other hand, FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction consists of directly removing the finished follicular unit from the scalp. Soon after, the filaments are cut and transplanted into the scalp. It's like each follicle is a seed taken from one place to be replanted in another, you know?




Hair transplantation is done under local anesthesia, so the patient is awake throughout the process. The procedure can last from 5 hours in the FUT technique to more than 10 hours in the FUE technique. Before starting, you must define the area that will be filled. Doctors draw a fill-in line to base on and then calculate how much to shave.




Hair transplantation can be done in patients with baldness or with large flaws that usually bother them, such as on the forehead and sides of the head. The procedure should preferably be performed by adults over 25 years of age, but that does not mean that it is not recommended in some specific cases, such as that of actress Larissa Manoela.




Have you ever thought about having part of your hair shaved? This can happen during a hair transplant. In the vast majority of procedures, doctors need to shave a portion of the hairs to harvest the follicles that will be used in the transplant. Keep in mind that the larger the area to be filled, the larger the scraped region. But don't worry because it grows back later, ok?




When performing the transplant, the doctor will choose the region with the strongest hair and with the lowest risk of baldness - it is usually behind the nape of the neck! This area will even need to be shaved to remove the follicles, but how does it look afterward? The places that professionals usually remove are well hidden, so you can disguise the difference in hair length. Over time, the shaved hair will grow normally, but you may notice a decrease in volume in the region as some follicles have been removed.




The hair will grow normally and you can get a better idea of the result after 1 year. Initially, the hair can grow in a shapeless and coarser way, but it will adapt over time.




Hair transplants can leave scars that will soften over the years. Generally, the mark starts out very thin and reddish with age. However, this will go away and you may have a better idea after 2 years. Some doctors use a suture technique called trichophytic in which the threads grow into the scar, disguising it a lot.




It is normal to feel a swollen head in the first 72 hours after the transplant, as well as a little blood in the transplanted areas. For these first few nights, you need to sleep with your head lightly supported and elevated. The first wash must be done at the doctor's office, ok? Also, use products prescribed by the doctor, such as ointments, to avoid itching. It is necessary to rest for the first 5 days and avoid sun, beach, swimming, intense physical activities.


About Hair Transplant Techniques 


There are two main types of hair transplant techniques: FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant). Among these, FUE is the most popular of all. When FUE is applied, thin blades should be used to remove hair follicles from a donor area where there is still hair, usually on the back and sides of the head. As hair follicles move or shift individually, it takes longer than the FUT technique but leaves no scars, so it is suitable for very short hairstyles and is advantageously minimally invasive with little downtime.


What are the differences between FUE and DHI transplantation?


FUE vs. DHI Which type of hair transplant is most effective? Which option should I choose? During your Google search for hair transplants, you definitely came across these themes quite a bit. And with so much information available, it's easy to see how things can go awry.


That's why we're here about the differences between DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). We go through what these therapies are, how they differ and how to choose the ideal one for you. Let’s first take a deeper look at what DHI and FUE are and how they work.


The decision between FUE and DHI is based on a number of factors, including categorizing the patient's hair loss, the size of the thinner region, and the amount of donor hair available. Because hair transplantation is such a personal procedure, it is thought that the approach that best meets the patient's expectations would yield the greatest outcomes.

FUE and DHI are two types of hair transplant methods that can help you get the look you want.


However, there is some distinction between FUE and DHI techniques. This is why it is critical for someone to understand which of these hair transplant treatments is the best option to obtain a pleasing look. The following are some of the distinctions:


The FUE method is best for covering wide regions, while the DHI approach has a greater chance of obtaining greater densities.


Even if the patient intends to undertake a one-session transplant treatment with the DHI method, he or she will be a better candidate for the FUE technique if the patient has severe hair loss and bald spots that are too large to cover. to become. The reason for this is because the FUE procedure allows a larger number of transplants to be harvested in one session.


The DHI method differs from previous hair transplant procedures in that it uses a pen-like medical instrument called a 'Choi implant' to establish the recipient sites while transplanting the ends at the same time.


Prior to treatment, patients should shave their heads completely according to the FUE method, but the DHI approach simply involves shaving the donor region. For female patients, this is a great benefit.


Other hair transplant treatments require less expertise and expertise than the DHI procedure. As a result, physicians and medical teams must undergo extensive training to become experts in the use of this procedure.


Compared to the FUE procedure, the DHI procedure offers a shorter recovery time and requires less blood.


The FUE method is best for covering wide regions, while the DHI approach has a greater chance of obtaining greater densities.


How does FUE hair transplantation work?


During an FUE transplant, groups of 1-4 hair follicles, also known as transplants, are harvested manually and placed one by one in a storage solution. The doctor will use a microblade to open the canals once the withdrawal procedure is complete. These are the holes or slots in which the transplants are inserted. The doctor can then remove the transplants from the solution and implant them in the recipient location as soon as the canals are opened.


Patients usually see the initial results of FUE surgery about two months after the procedure. After six months, more significant growth is seen, with complete results appearing 12–18 months after the procedure.


How does DHI transplantation work?


To begin with, hair follicles are detected one by one with specialized tools with a diameter of 1 mm or less. The hair follicles are then placed in a Choi Implant pin, which is used to implant them directly into the recipient region. The channels are created and the donors are implanted simultaneously during DHI. When the hair follicles are implanted, the Choi Implant Pen allows the clinician to be more precise. They can control the angle, direction, and depth of the freshly transplanted hair in this way.


DHI takes about the same amount of time to recover as FUE. Outcomes usually occur within a comparable time frame, with complete results lasting between 12 and 18 months.


Who are the best candidates for the DHI procedure?


The ideal candidates for hair implants are those who have androgenic alopecia, which is the most common form of hair loss. Male or female hair loss is the common name for this disease.


You may also be a suitable candidate for hair transplantation if you have the following characteristics:

  • Age is a factor: Hair implants are only recommended for everyone older than 25 years. Hair loss is more variable before this age.

  • The size of your hair: People with thicker hair often have bigger results than those with thinner hair. Each hair follicle is better covered with thicker hair.

  • Donor Hair Density: Patients with a donor percentage hair density of fewer than 40 follicles per square centimeter are considered poor candidates for hair transplants.

  • The color of your hair: the best results are often achieved by those with light hair or hair that is close to their skin color.

  • Expectations: People who set realistic goals are more likely to be satisfied with their outcomes.